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Camp Theme

Another Way

Jesus often confronted the world around him with another way of being and by his example, we are reminded that God always invites us to reimagine who we are and how we do things. Being at camp, we are already finding another way, apart from the trappings and distractions of home. In the peace of this space, we will explore what would change if we lived as our authentic selves and respected the truths of others. In this humility, we will imagine how growing changes the way we live. In this potential for transformation, we will imagine how our personal change meets the change we seek in the world. Whether we are addressing unfair rules or dreaming of a time when all people belong, we know that God calls us to do a new thing and faithfully forge another way.

Camp, Retreats, & Events

Beloved Community Family Camp (July 16-20)

Family of God Camp (July 20-26)

High School Camp (July 6-12)

Middle School Camp (July 6-12)

Day Camp (June 24-26)

Elementary Camp (June 15-20)

Camp Scholarships

Want to go to camp, but it doesn’t quite fit in the budget this summer? We have scholarships for that! Everyone should have the opportunity to experience Camp Crystal.

Camp scholarships are an important part of the Christian Education budgets of many congregations.  They stimulate greater camp participation and make Camp Crystal affordable for those who may otherwise not be able to attend.  We encourage you to talk with your church to find out if they offer scholarships and sign up today!

In addition to church scholarships, there are scholarships available from the Fuller Camp & Central Christian Scholarship Funds, available for ANY child or youth who needs assistance to attend Crystal.

For more information, or to request a scholarship application:

ALL APPLICATIONS requesting a scholarship must be returned by MARCH 5, 2024

Volunteer Counseling

There are a limited number of counselor opportunities available at camp this summer.  All counselors and counselors in training must go through a background check and sessions of training in order to work with children at Crystal Conference Center. Counseling gives you the opportunity to develop as a leader and grow spiritually while reaching children about Christ. If you are interested in being a camp counselor or counselor in training, contact Rev. Jill Forton, Crystal Commission Program Coordinator.

Contact Jill Forton

Work Weekends

Work weekends each spring are critical to us having the conference center grounds ready for our campers and retreats. Volunteers help open buildings and clean up grounds for the summer season. Please join us for all or part of Spring Work Weekends each year. Or help out closing the camp at the end of September. Reconnect with camp friends, celebrate all things Crystal, be part of the gifts of Outdoor Ministries. Food and lodging provided. We also welcome church groups who make it both a church retreat and work weekend at other times in May. Contact Eric Strommer, Site Director for more information.

Contact Eric Strommer